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Message Board Archive: Thread Number 103

Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 20:10:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: Owner-HyperNews@ComCAT.COM (Tom)
Subject: Robt. Johnson film footage
Message Number: 103

Last night on an AOL BB on delta blues I read several posts which talked
about film footage reported to be that of RJ. It was reported that
Robert Jr. Lockwood confirmed RJ as the player. Can anyone confirm or


Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 21:08:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Owner-HyperNews@ComCAT.COM (Gerry Nelson)
Subject: Feedback: I saw this in a magazine
Message Number: 103.1

I saw the same thing in the middle of last year in a guitar magazine.
Since then, however, I haven't heard anything. Any other news would be
very much appreciated.
Gerry Nelson


Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 10:06:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Darren
Subject: Robert Johnson Film Footage
Message Number: 103.1.1

This story popped up on blues-l recently. Apparently someone in Memphis
has a silent home made film that contains about 10-15 seconds of what is
believed to be RJ playing guitar. He has a rack mount & is said to move
his capo while playing (what exactly that means is open for question).
The person who has this film runs a record shop(?) how they got the film
I'm not certain of, but apparently someone used to film street
performers & captured RJ on one of his jaunts. While the RJ footage (if
it truly is him) would be a revalation, I wonder who else is on the
film!? I've heard the Robert Jr. Lockwood has verified and that some
blues-scholars (Steve LeVare is interested in seeing it or has recently
seen it - in conjunction with the talk on RJ to be held at the R&RHOF in
September)have seen the footage & believe that it is RJ. Rumors fly, but
the owner is reportedly looking to sell the film. It has been preserved
digitally. I can look for further info in the blues-l archives (owners
name, etc) if desired. - Darren


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:00:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Matt)
Subject: News: See a still from it!
Message Number: 103.1.2

Here is a site that seems to be using a still from the film...sure looks
like him.


Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 11:38:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Harry Lewman)
Subject: Agree: Nice site, good RealAudio
Message Number:

Great find. I liked this page. The real audio clips are clean sounding,
using a G2 player. Not exceptionally deep info, but well done.


Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 08:31:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Frank Basile)
Subject: More: Re: Robt. Johnson film footage
Message Number: 103.2

This was all abuzz on blues-l in the last few weeks. Apparently a guitar
magazine will be forthcoming with stills from the 10 second clip of
Johnson and a new book of RJ transcriptions is in the works.
Among the interesting things that those who have seen the clip have
reported is that RJ was playing guitar _and_ harmonica in a rack. Too
bad there's no sound!


Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 23:01:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: Owner-HyperNews@ComCAT.COM (Steve)
Subject: More: R. Johnson film and new tab book
Message Number: 103.2.1

The most recent (October 98) issue of "Guitar One" magazine has a photo
from the alleged Robert Johnson film and an accompaning article about
it. The article also mentions that Hal Leonard will soon be publishing a
new book called "Robert Johnson: The New Transcriptions". One of the
songs from this book, "I Believe I'll Dust my Broom", is also printed in
this magazine. Instead of open E tuning (or drop D as Woody Mann
suggests, although I find that to be laughable) there is a new tunning
used which the author refers to as the 'Robert Johnson mystery tuning.
This new tuning is called Open Aadd9 and is more or less Open A with the
addition of the fifth string raised a whole step. I will say that when
played it sounds perfect. The pitches and timbres finally match. I have
always been slightly disappointed by the 1992 Scott Ainsle book "Robert
Johnson:At the Crossroads". From what I have read, this new book should
be somthing else.It has been three years in the making and has involved
at least three of the best transcribers around working together. On a
related note I was wondering if any one had been to this sight, . On it you will find a
photo that may very well be Robert Johnson. It might be a fake but if it
is it is very well done.


Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 12:12:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Frank Basile)
Subject: Angry: Re: R. Johnson film and new tab book
Message Number:

Steve said:
>Instead of open E tuning (or drop D as Woody Mann suggests,
>although I find that to be laughable) there is a new tunning
>used which the author refers to as the 'Robert Johnson
>mystery tuning. This new tuning is called Open Aadd9 and is
>more or less Open A with the addition of the fifth string
>raised a whole step.
Great, just what the world needs - more bad tab.
Before you get your hopes up, Steve, let's take a close look at your
magical mystery tuning:
Aadd9 tuning (from low to high): E B E A C# E
Oh, yup... sure *looks* like a variant of open A don't it? Let's try a
little experiment... let's drop all the pitches in the tuning a whole
step and call it "Gadd9" for the sake of experiment:
Gadd9 tuning (from low to high): D A D G B D
Does that look familiar Steve? Do you know what this tuning is sometimes
Dropped D
The relationships between strings are exactly the same. FWIW, I think
that RJ used the more common dropped D tuning:
Dropped D (from low to high): D A D G B E
or tuned up a whole step: E B E A C# F#
It's a much more common tuning for blues in general, was used by two
players that RJ idolized and retains many of the conveniences of
standard tuning. Guitar One looks to me like the kind of mag patronized
by guys looking for their next fix for the magic pill that'll make their
playing better.
Keep looking, guys.


Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 22:33:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: Owner-HyperNews@ComCAT.COM (Tom W.)
Subject: "new" RJ photo
Message Number:

Having checked out the website for the flea mkt. photo suggested to be
RJ, compare that photo with the two "known" photos posted below it.
Compare the fingers -- then decide if it's RJ. The gentleman in the
"new" photo has the hands of a working man, or common laborer -- fat and
stubby. RJ's fingers look like spider legs.
Also, FWIW, when I smoked, I always dangled my cigarette out of the same
side of my mouth (left side, and I'm left handed)and thinking about it
now, it would feel awkward dangling a cigarette out of the right side.


Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 13:33:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Matt)
Subject: News: NEW Robert Johnson Photo
Message Number:

Here is a still from the film people are discussing... Sure looks like his nose and those
long spider-like fingers.


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:38:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Graig Meyer)
Subject: Sad: Johnson film...not Johnson
Message Number: 103.3

Sorry to burst the bubble of all the Johnson faithful out there. The
rumored silent film of Robert Johnson isn't actually of him. I talked to
some folks who were at the Johnson conference at the Rock 'n' Roll Hall
of Fame last weekend and they said the claim had been proven wrond.
Somebody had digitally examined the image to get a look at the sign on
the pole in the background. It's a movie poster for a film that wasn't
released until '42. Since Johnson died several years before that, it
can't be him. Oh well.

In other news from the conference, there is a new book and movie coming
out on Johnson. Also, Robert Lockwood Jr. did a smoking acoustic set.
Did anyone out there attend?

