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Message Board Archive: Thread Number 40

Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 04:19:52 -0400
From: (Paul Stamler)
Subject: Congrats, lyric request and stuff
Message Number: 40

Hi, folks:
First, congratulations and thank you to Ari for having both the
generosity and wit to provide this excellent forum for discussion. Well
Next: Does anyone out there have the lyrics to "That'll Never Happen No
More" handy and, if so, could you e-mail them to me? My address is:
A quick mention: I finally received my copy of the Harry Smith
"Anthology of American Folk Music", and I am overwhelmed. This is the
mother lode for those of us who are performers of traditional music,
including acoustic blues. When this came out in 1952, we didn't have
Document, Yazoo or any of the other reissue labels; Columbia hadn't
reissued any of their classics, and neither had (RCA) Victor. This was a
revelation to folks at the time, as it was to me when I stumbled on it
in 1972 or so, thanks to a friend. Great, great performances, organized
by subject matter rather than style, in a subtle order that made for
great listening. It was accessible and meaningful on many levels, and it
changed my life.
I'm glad to say that the folks who did the reissue didn't screw it up --
they left everything in the same order, they reprinted the original
booklet (along with a new booklet with far more annotation and
discographical information). And they're promoting the hell out of it,
getting coverage in a lot of forums (fora?) outside the "folkie ghetto"
(All Things Considered had a long feature a few weeks ago). With any
luck, this will sell a lot of copies and, just maybe, influence a new
generation of performers.
Finally, Ari asked whether the board was too slow. I have a 2400-baud
modem at the moment, so *everything* is too slow.
