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Message Board Archive: Thread Number 27

Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 09:21:01 -0400
From: (Ari Eisinger)
Subject: Question: Is this board fast enough?
Message Number: 27

Someone just emailed me to say that he looked at the board and thought
the idea was great and the content was great, but the speed was so slow
that the board is more or less unusable. Since I am using the same
internet service provider as the message board, I can't really tell how
fast the board looks to other people. Could I have some feedback? Some
numbers would be helpful, e.g., it usually takes me about x seconds to
load the board, y seconds to pull up each message, and z seconds to
Thanks in advance for your help.


Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:09:29 -0400
From: (Rob Hutten)
Subject: Ok: It's fast enough for me
Message Number: 27.1

Ari - it takes me about five seconds to load the board with the number
of messages that are currently there, a couple seconds to load a message
and four or five seconds to post. I'm sitting on a 10-Mbit connection,
granted, but everything's fine here.

There are other webboards out there - a friend of mine runs one he got
from Matt's Script Archive called wwwboard. Still, it's not really any
better than this one, and this one looks better appearance-wise.



Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 09:36:43 -0400
From: (Scott_Hertzog_in_Alexandria_VA)
Subject: Feedback: Fast enough for me at 33.6k
Message Number: 27.1.1

I'm using erol's, connected at 33.6, and it takes about 7 seconds to pop
up the next message on the board

