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Message Board Archive: Thread Number 139

Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:18:47 -0500 (EST)
From: (Eric Schoeniger)
Subject: Question: Fingernail Blues
Message Number: 139

All, Like many guitarists, I try to keep the nails on my right hand long
enough to get a reasonable amount of sound from the strings. Problem is,
at just about the time my nails are getting long enough, they start to
split or tear.

Does anyone have any tricks for keeping their nails in good shape? (Is
that why Michael Jackson wears that glove?) I understand there's
something you can put on your nails to make them stronger. Anyone have
any experience with that?

Thanks! Eric


Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 19:40:50 -0500 (EST)
From: (Harry Lewman)
Subject: Feedback: That's a 'tough' one
Message Number: 139.1

I have no personal experience, but I have had friends with that same
problem. Some things that they have tried are, nail polish and glue on

I am sorry to say I have never seen anyone beat the problems of playing
steel string guitars with fingernails. The players that I know of who do
not use fingerpicks, and there are many, use the pads of their fingers,
and if they want a snap, lift up the string with their right thumb. Sam
Chatman (sp.) was good at this.

As you may know, those guitarists who play on nylon string guitars have
better luck. Like them, you might try filing your nails every day. With
constant attention, you might get lucky.


Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 00:53:20 -0500 (EST)
From: (Frank Basile)
Subject: Feedback: Re: Fingernail Blues
Message Number: 139.2

I alternate between bare fingers (nails) and picks on a song by song
basis. What I've found is that nails behave much the same way that beard
growth does - the more you trim it back, the more enthusiastically it
grows in. You may be having trouble getting good growth because you
don't trim your nails often enough.
I try to avoid letting my nails get too long. The less nail you have
protruding from your finger, the more support it'll have from the tip
and the less likely it'll be to tear spontaneously. Clipping regularly
may help thin nails grow in thicker. It may take a while to see results
(in my case, it was nearly a year).
Making sure you get plenty of protein probably isn't a bad idea either,
for reasons that may be less related to guitar stuff . Some people
have reported results from eating Knox gelatin on a regular basis. One
thing I found to have an effect was an extract made from a plant used in
Chinese herbalism - he shou wou. You can find it in health food stores.
The name literally means "Mr. He has black hair". He shou wou is a
general tonic and is reputed to stimulate growth of hair and nails. In
my experience, I did see a general improvement in the quality of my nail
growth after about 6 weeks. The effects weren't dramatic or miraculous
but I felt (and feel) that they were significant.
Hope this helps,


Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 22:32:35 -0500 (EST)
From: (Bob Bingham)
Subject: Feedback: re- fingernail care
Message Number: 139.3

Bob Bingham here. About 7 years ago I got tired of bustin nails so
here's what ya do. Go to the nearest pharmacy and in the nail care
section buy a bottle of Mega-Hard by Loreal. No kidding! Put 2 coats on.
About once a week remove it with some non-acetone remover and redo it or
whenever necessary. The stuff is actually liquid Kevlar. You know the
stuff they make bullit proof vests out of? Also, keep your nails filed
so they just barely stick out above the tips of your fingers. I break a
nail about once every 6 months as opposed to once a week before. Try it
I guarantee you'll like it. Good picken! Bob


Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 14:10:06 -0500 (EST)
From: (Eric Schoeniger)
Subject: More: Nail Care
Message Number: 139.4


Thanks for the advice. I'll try the Loreal stuff -- hopefully I can find
it, since perhaps understandably I don't know my way around the
cosmetics counter too well. If that doesn't work, I can always try
coating my fingers in liquid PVC or some other highly toxic,
indestructable material.

Harry and Frank, thanks also for your advice. If Bob's idea doesn't
work, I'll try yours, such as the Knox gelatin. Alternatively, I could
gnaw on a horse hoof now and again.

Thanks again,

