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Message Board Archive: Thread Number 123

Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 16:06:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: Owner-HyperNews@ComCAT.COM (Tom W)
Subject: Gary Davis' Throwin Up...
Message Number: 123

Besides his original recorded version of "I'm Throwin' Up My Hands",
does anyone know if he ever recorded it again? Vinyl, imports, bootleg??


Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 18:20:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Frank Basile)
Subject: Feedback: Re: Gary Davis' Throwin Up...
Message Number: 123.1

Man... from the header, I thought that this would be a thread about
cigars and syncopation causing projectile vomiting.
Aside from his 1935 recording of ITUMH, he never recorded it again
except as an instrumental - steadfastly refusing to sing the words. He
recorded it as Mountain Jack Blues on the Smithsonian/Folkways album
Pure Religion and Bad Company.
On the Blues & Ragtime CD from Shanachie, there's an instrumental called
Whoopin' Blues which I remember as being in A and bearing some
resemblance to ITUMH. There may be a few appearances of Mountain Jack
Blues peppered amongst his 60s recordings.


Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 06:04:25 -0500 (EST)
From: (Alan Balfour)
Subject: Feedback: If it is of any help......
Message Number: 123.2

The discography accompanying Robert Tilling's biography of Gary Davis
(Oh What A Beautiful City, Paul Mill Press, 1992) shows that he only
recorded it the once. Mind you the book is now a few years old, so who
knows what unissued material may have come to light (smile).


Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:41:24 -0500 (EST)
From: (Frank Basile)
Subject: Question: Speaking of unissued...
Message Number: 123.2.1

I just picked up a Gary Davis CD this weekend called "Live and Kickin",
recorded in Montreal in 1967. Has this been previously issued? If not,
it's a real gem! Sorry, Tom, no versions of "I'm Throwin' Up My Hand"!
:) The tracks are:
Make Believe Stunt (really Cincinnatti Flow Rag)
Maple Leaf Rag (really Make Believe Stunt - confused yet?)
Coon Chase
Samson and Delilah
Twelve Gates to the City
Mind How You're Living
You Got To Move
How Much We Can Bear
I Will Do My Last Singing
Buck Dance
Davis' playing and singing are in pretty snappy form. The tempos are
relaxed but not slow and his singing is intense and expressive. I get
the impression that Davis was pretty comfortable, in good spirits and
just enjoying himself. The recording quality is OK for the most part - a
little spotty at times.
All in all, a very welcome addition to the collection!
Alan, do you know if Robert Tilling's book is available in the US?


Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 22:44:24 -0500 (EST)
From: (Andrew)
Subject: Feedback: Speaking of unissued...
Message Number:

Re: Oh What a Beautiful City... says it's a special order, Legacy Books; ISBN: 0952060906,
$29.95, 4-6 weeks.


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 03:15:28 -0500 (EST)
From: (Alan Balfour)
Subject: Note: I fear it's out of print but...
Message Number:

Frank Scott at Roots & Rhythm used to have stocks. You could always
visit the mail-order specialist music book people A&R Books at and see if they have any left or can acquire it. I've
used them greatly over the years - they really know their stuff!


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 15:35:33 -0500 (EST)
From: (Andrew)
Subject: Feedback: Speaking of unissued...
Message Number:

Frank wrote:
> I just picked up a Gary Davis CD this weekend called "Live
> and Kickin", recorded in Montreal in 1967. Has this been
> previously issued? If not, it's a real gem!
I don't believe it's ever been issued. The recordings were made by
Michael Nerenberg, who was (is) a folk fan and I believe part-time
concert promoter in the 60's in Montreal.
He still lives in Montreal (where I live) and, as the story goes, came
out with some old blues tapes because he needed money to repair his van!
The CDs were released by Justin Time Records' "Just a Memory" label. The
initial tapes were four CDs, the Gary Davis CD, one by Dave Van Ronk
(who was the opening act at the Gary Davis show), one Sonny and Brownie,
and one of Muddy Waters and his band informally recorded in their hotel
room or Michael's apartment or something like that, with everyone
playing acoustic guitars.
My guitar teacher had heard all of these tapes and more from Nerenberg
before, but it was a private collection. I don't have the CD in front of
me, but doesn't Nerenberg write in the liner notes that of all the tapes
he made of Gary Davis, this ("Live and Kickin'") was his favorite? In
other words, suggesting he has *more* tapes? The initial four CDs have
been followed up by at least one more, James Cotton.
I have only heard the Gary Davis and Van Ronk CDs. Sound is relatively
rough, like a good quality bootleg, better on the Reverend than Van Ronk
(which is still a fun CD).


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 03:09:24 -0500 (EST)
From: (Alan Balfour)
Subject: Muddy Waters & Friends acoustically!
Message Number:

The informal acoustic Muddy is surprisingly good and nice to hear Otis
Spann playing guitar. The release is:

Just A Memory Jam CD9130-2


Montreal, Québec, Canada, Wednesday, 18th October 1967

those involved are:

Muddy Waters, vcl/gtr with Otis Spann, vcl/gtr; George "Mojo" Buford,
vcl/hca; Luther "Georgia Boy - Snake" Johnson, vcl/gtr; Sammy Lawhorn,
gtr; Lawrence "Little Sonny" Wimberley, b-g; S.P. Leary, drums.


Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 00:48:45 -0500 (EST)
From: (Ken "Easy Ed" Edwards)
Subject: Note: rev. gary davis recordings, tilling book
Message Number: 123.3

hi i am a big rev. gary davis fan and have just about everything he
recorded (19 cds, out of print LPs, etc) see my list at: , if you have something
i don't please let me know, if i have something you need, contact me.

robert tilling's book (autographed by RT) on the rev. can be had at: and also roy book binder sometimes
brings copies to his performances to sell


Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 07:43:05 -0500 (EST)
From: (Frank Basile)
Subject: More: Re: rev. gary davis recordings, tilling book
Message Number: 123.3.1

Ken wrote:
>robert tilling's book (autographed by RT) on the rev. can be
>had at:

Thanks for the url... Actually it's just been moved this weekend to:
I'm checking on availability.
